Apps, CodeView, UWP, Windows 10

uSearch for Windows 10 updated to v1.2

Release notes v1.2:

  • Drag & Drog implemented in settings page “Websites Management”
  • Image descriptions added in Image-Flow view

For detailed information about uSearch please visit

uSearch – All-in-One Web Search
Choose between your search engines and websites to quickly compare search results. Get your results faster and see them collecting while typing. It’s the fastest way to find what you are looking for. Share your searches or open it in your default browser.

Get it on Windows-10Get it from Microsoft


  • Add all your favorite websites and search engines
  • Popular websites like Bing, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, YouTube etc. included
  • It’s optimized for Desktop, Phone and Tablet
  • Customize it as it fits for your personal use
  • Share your searches or open it in your default browser